Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Time's fun when you're having flies

Or something like that... Maybe that only applies to frogs.

Wow, I can't believe it's been a week already. My professors finally gave me work. All at the same time, of course.

Two tests on top of everything else this week. So it's been a little stressful. My second one starts in... 45 minutes from now. I'm not too worried about it, it's mostly review.

And, to catch you all up on my week, Saturday I went to the pirate festival, which was pretty fun. There were things like performances, demonstrations, food booths, and souvenir booths. I bought some long stripey pirate socks there.

Normally, adult tickets are $18, but because I went with Linfield it only cost me $3! I thought that was a pretty good deal. Just the cannon demonstration alone would probably have been worth that. People don't realize how loud those things are. Imagine lightning striking two feet away from you, and you'll have a pretty good idea.

Besides the pirate festival, I finally got my work schedule settled. I'm now working every Monday and Wednesday from 5-9:30. So I'm pretty close to my 10 hours. That'll be nice. Plus, I never have to work in Dillin!!

Oh, and about my "infection". Turns out I was one of the infected ones. But no free food... There were numbers on the wristbands and mine was one digit off of the winning number. Bummer.

That's about it. I have a video of my new room set up that I need to upload so that I can post it here. It's on the to do list, but that's a fairly long list right now.

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