Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 3 - Another nice ride

We re posting this entry late because we had no internet connection yesterday.

Yesterday evening we found ourselves in a dust storm. Apparently, a local farmer decided to plow his dry field in 15 mph winds and, unfortunately for us, our campground was in direct line of the dust. The sky darkened and EVERYTHING got covered in a fine layer of dust. When we went to bed, Gavin found that he was having trouble breathing. After some time deep in the night,.we finally had sleep in the front passenger seat of the Jeep to keep him in an inclined position. He slept fairly well for the rest of the night, but we he woke up he wasn’t sure whether he could ride or not. After breakfast, even though he was still congested, he felt well enough to try. He made it through the whole ride.

Today we got on the road at about 8:40 am and had another day of great riding weather and good roads. We picked up some altitude today, starting at 4200 and ending at 4600. We took a long break at Hagelstein Park so that Patty could get some Robitussin for Gavin. We got to Collier State Park around noon. Collier State Park makes a great destination with its lovely campsites and amenities, trails, creek, river, and logging museum.

I arrived at Collier, picked out our campsite, and got things set up. Gavin and Kevin arrived about 20 minutes later. We have had a beautiful sunny day to explore. We had a great time playing with the very friendly chipmunks. Gavin had names for several of them: Theodore, Alvin, Chip, Dale, and Pip. As you can see from the pictures, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves

Ride Stats
Distance today: 28.14
Distance trip: 103.8
Max Speed: 27.7
Av Speed: 13.1
Time: 2:08

Until next time…


Linda said...

Well, you're almost half-way here! I hope Gavin's cough gets better! --Linda

TheBusseGirls said...

Wow! You guys are THE MEN! Not only do you undertake this ride together, but you do it sick. Our prayers are with you; enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime together.